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Assessments & Evaluations

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BES Group and Associates provides Assessments and Evaluations for behavioral health and substance abuse to identify areas of need. Psychological Evaluations, Psycho-social Assessments, and Behavioral Health Assessments are conducted by our doctorate and master level clinicians which include Licensed Psychiatrists, Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Professional Counselor Associates (Texas State designated), and Licensed Clinical Social Workers.


The clinician will conduct a clinical interview to assess all major life areas, diagnose conditions, and identify treatment recommendations that incorporate potential treatment goals and objectives for a receiving therapist. All assessments and evaluations denote diagnostic impressions referencing the DSM-V with recommendations and/or referrals given by the therapist.


Additionally, clinicians utilize the Minnesota Multi-phasic Inventory-2 Restructured Form (MMPI-2) and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale as applicable.


BES Group and Associates also provides Psychiatric Evaluations, conducted by our licensed psychiatrist, to further determine if psychotropic medications are needed and specify treatment recommendations. The Psychiatric Evaluation and Report references the individual’s history, any previous treatment for emotional and/or psychological disturbances, any previous diagnosis, and previous medical trauma or condition that may be contributing to symptoms of mood or personality disorder. The written Psychiatric Evaluation and Report provides the diagnosis from the DSM-V and denotes any necessary medications based on the findings.


Additional services provided in conjunction with assessments and evaluations as determined by the recommendations and admission into behavioral health counseling services include:


Psychotropic Medication, which is a service in conjunction with individual counseling, where the client meets with the therapist to address symptoms related to the initial prescription. The treatment team which includes the patient, therapist, attending physician and nursing staff, will determine the appropriate length of treatment since this part of behavioral health counseling is strictly individualized.


Medication Monitoring is conducted by the nursing staff immediately following individual therapy with the therapist. The participant is evaluated at the approved interval for continued approval of participation in this level of care. 


Contact us today if you believe counseling services would be a benefit, but need assistance in identifying the correct course of treatment. Our knowledgeable staff is ready to answer your questions. We are here to help.

Contact us today! We are standing by to help.

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