Couples and Family Counseling in Houston
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Professional, qualified staff.
Personalized care plans.
Get the support you need to make a full recovery.
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Family Counseling Services are provided by a master or doctorate level clinician to include which includes Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Marriage and Family therapist, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, or a Texas State designated intern.
The BES Group & Associates, Inc.’s main objective in family counseling is to strengthen the family unit and provide essential skills for family togetherness. In couples counseling, the focus is on building and strengthening healthy relationships and resolution of situational problems.
A treatment and discharge plan is established with the couple/family unit geared towards accomplishing its personalized goals. It is essential that all members (couple/family) are open and honest about his/her desired outcome.
Some common areas addressed in couples/family counseling can include:
Co-Parenting (Sharing Parental Responsibility)
Blended Families
Physical/Sexual Abuse Within The Family Unit
Bereavement & Loss
Parent-Child Relationship
Time Management
Anxiety & Depression
Communication Skills
Relational Problem (Couple, In-Laws, Friends)
Abandonment & Separation
Healthy/Unhealthy Relationships
Substance Abuse/Dependence, and
Coping With Mental Health Disorder(S).
Couples/Family counseling services are available during normal business hours from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Appointments after hours must be scheduled with the clinician directly.
Contact us today! We are standing by to help.