This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health. This year’s celebration runs the entire week of May 4-10, 2014. The BES Group & Associates / Solutions Plus would like to join the National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health in making this year’s National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week the best in National Federation history. The anniversary celebration will culminate at the annual conference on November 21-23, 2014.
This Year’s Theme
As in past years, the National Federation of Families has compiled a listing of information and resources for use during local observance of the National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week. The Federation’s theme for 2014 is Building a Circle of Wellness. The often repeated African proverb “it takes a village to raise a child.” This statement holds true in the work of supporting children with behavioral health challenges. This year, more than ever, the aim is to debunk myths, spread awareness and promote positive mental health and overall health for all of our nation’s children. This will take a combination of national, state and local efforts to bring about the vision for healthy children and families.
This year’s theme for Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week 2014 is Building Circles of Wellness. The National Federation encourages everyone, everywhere to use the week of May 4-10, 2014 to promote wellness, positive mental health, and social development for all children and youth.
Join the National Federation in sending out the following messages:
Mental health is essential to overall health and well-being.
Serious emotional and mental health disorders in children and youth are real and treatable.
Children and youth with mental health challenges and their families deserve access to services and supports that are family driven, youth guided and culturally appropriate.
Values of acceptance, dignity and social inclusion should be promoted throughout all communities for children, youth and families.
Family and youth voice is a valued asset in determining appropriate services and interventions The National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health (NFFCMH) has organized resources and communication tip sheets for you to use in your efforts to educate local and national representatives, churches, schools and communities. National data about children’s mental health is available on our website (
Services available through The BES Group / Solutions Plus
BES Group and Associates/Solutions Plus, is a group of Mental Health Professionals that can provide a broad spectrum of services to meet individual needs; serving patients from five years old to across the life span. We can help in dealing with Anger Management and Stress Reduction as well as providing a variety of other mental health services. Call us today at (713) 935-9990, we are here to help.